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Friday, April 15, 2016

Index Types and their Descriptions

1. B-tree Index: Default, balanced tree index, good for high-cardinality (high degree of distinct values) columns.

2. B-tree cluster Index:  Used with clustered tables.

3. Hash cluster Index:  Used with hash clusters.

4. Function-based Index:  Good for columns that have SQL functions applied to them.

5. Indexed virtual column Index:  Good for columns that have SQL functions applied to them; viable alternative. to using a function-based index.

6. Reverse-key Index:  Useful to balance I/O in an index that has many sequential inserts.

7. Key-compressed Index:  Useful for concatenated indexes where the leading column is often repeated, compresses leaf block entries.

8. Bitmap Index:  Useful in data warehouse environments with low-cardinality columns. these indexes aren’t appropriate for online transaction processing (OLTP) databases
where rows are heavily updated.

9. Bitmap join:  Useful in data warehouse environments for queries that join fact and
dimension tables.

10. Global partitioned:  Global index across all partitions in a partitioned table.

11. Local partitioned: Local index based on individual partitions in a partitioned table.

12. Domain:  Specific for an application or cartridge

In the next topic I will cover the details of B-tree index.

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